After Ethan hit one, he has become more active than ever. I don’t call him my Little Troublemaker for nothing! Being the explorer that he is, he loves climbing, running around and crawling into tiny spaces. Keeping up with him isn’t easy, especially during diaper changes! As soon as I remove his diaper, he takes off and refuses to be pinned down to be changed. Luckily, my mom bought us a pack of Huggies Dry Pants one day for us to try, and I have to say, changing diapers has become a breeze! Feet in, pants up and we’re good to go! No more chasing and struggling during diaper changes – and the best part is – he stay’s dry and comfy all throughout playtime.

As a Huggies Dry Pants convert, I was so excited to find out that Huggies and Nuffnang will be holding a contest for a chance to win a year-long supply of Huggies Dry Pants!
You read that right – a YEAR-LONG supply!
Alright! Pants up, moms and dads! All you have to do is upload a 15 second Instagram video of your baby dancing to the Huggies Dry Pants Jingle and blog about the contest, including mechanics and prizes in your post. It’s that easy! Don’t forget to like and tag Huggies Philippines and Nuffnang!
Head on to for details and mechanics.
It’s that simple and fun to get a chance to win your baby a year’s stash of Huggies Dry Pants. I’ll be joining too and I can’t wait to share our video to you guys, it’s coming real soon! I simply can’t pass up the chance to save big on diapers, can I? The overnight hotel accommodation and spa gift certificates are also tempting. The husband and I need a treat, too!
Your videos must be posted on or before October 31, and winners will be announced on November 4.
Don’t miss this chance to win these awesome prizes! Join now and let’s show everyone how our babies can groove in their Huggies Dry Pants! Good luck!